Notification & Announcement Priority List (Whatsapp)
Now that Facebook is throttling posts, from over 6000 members in our Facebook Group, only a few hundred are actually seeing our content. It’s really not what it used to be. So going forward we’ll be focusing more on Whatsapp for the reasons set out below. Please read this page fully.
- Jewellery Giveaways.
Every few weeks it is our pleasure to select someone at random from our Whatsapp group to receive a mystery piece of jewellery from our ranges absolutely free of charge. There is no competition to enter!
All recipients will be chosen from our Whatsapp Group instead of our Facebook Group, as this way they will be certain to receive our communications. - Special Offers & Coupons.
Immediate access to occasional special offers & discount coupons. Also published only in our Whatsapp Group instead of our Facebook Group for instant notification & reliability of delivery.
By joining our Whatsapp Group, you are consenting to us contacting you by Whatsapp should you be selected to receive a mystery gift from our ranges and also our notifications. Recipients of a piece of jewellery from our ranges will be published in our Facebook Group. You’ll start to receive our occasional announcements as they occur (usually only around once a month).
To join our Whatsapp Group:
First, please ensure you have Whatsapp installed on your mobile phone. If not, you can download and install Whatsapp Messenger from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store if you have an android.
On your mobile phone: tap on the square QR symbol below
On a computer, laptop or tablet: with the square QE symbol below visible, open Whatsapp on your mobile phone, click on the camera icon and point it at the square QR code below
If that doesn’t work, on your mobile phone, try clicking on this link:
Still having issues? click here to ask to join our Whatsapp group and we’ll do our best to set you up.
Why do we prefer Whatsapp for our content over Facebook, email etc?
– With Whatsapp there’s no algorithm involved.
It’s basically a messaging service, so you’ll always see our content, instantly.
Facebook works on an algorithm system and their software decides who will see content and who won’t. We think this defeats the point of being in a group.
– Whatsapp doesn’t collect people’s data (as far as we know).
Facebook is funded by collecting data on it’s users and showing them more and more targeted advertising. There’s no advertising (at the time of writing) on Whatsapp.
– There’s none of the noise and distractions on Whatsapp that are everywhere on Facebook, who want you stay on the platform as long as possible.
– WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption by default for user privacy.
This makes it more secure than emails, texting and many other messaging apps.
In keeping with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we will only be in contact with those who have specifically requested membership of our (free) Whatsapp Group (more info below).
How to leave our Whatsapp Community:
Of course as with any Whatsapp group or community, you can leave at any time.
First, in Whatsapp, click on the Community symbol at the top which looks like 3 people.
Click on it and select our Community.
Click on the 3 vertical dots at the top and then Community Info
Scroll down to where it says “Exit Community” and click on it.
How to report a nuisance member:
As with all social media, please report to the group admin and block any member who is being abusive or has contacted you inappropriately or with inappropriate material. We also recommend that you do not open any links from them. We have the option to remove them permanently. Please be sure to follow Whatsapp’s rules, terms & conditions at all times.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Whatsapp communications use end-to-end encryption for your security. We use Whatsapp primarily to send you notifications.
The initial contact comes from you via a hyperlink or QR code and is thus considered “clearly confirming” behavior, which satisfies the GDPR as a consent basis for subsequent data processing.
We do not store any information you have on Whattsapp.
By being a Whatsapp Group member, you are consenting to us contacting you by Whatsapp with notifications and also to contacting you should you be selected to receive a mystery gift from our range.
We guarantee never to share your information with any other entity. If you are using Whatsapp, you will already have agreed to their Privacy policy. Here is a link to it:
The Whattsapp Community/ Group you join belongs to Direct Watch Company Ltd, the parent company of Cairn Charles Rennie Mackintosh & Scottish Thistle Jewellery.
If you wish to contact us, please email: